energetical healthcare

As a born medium I could upon my arrival on this earth perceive a lot energetically, I rather would have chosen not to know or feel. I was certainly not ready to deal with any of what I was given, especially because I didnt know how to deal with it, since back in the day “ those things “ were not as openly talked about as luckily increasingly become. And it caused me trouble. Physically and mentally. Therefore I chose to run, which seemed to be an easy way out, denying what there was, planning to simply lead a life that I imagined would bring me inner peace. As the story had to go, I neither found serenity nor fulfilment – but being a strong minded person, I continued to run. I was just not going to go there and face it ! I kept on running, along many winding roads throughout different countries and cultures, meeting many others on the run. Your soul can be numbed , as there always pleasant things in life and talking yourself into them, is easy, as probably most of us have experienced. When your souls megaphone – which is also called our body - is set into action though, you are forced to face whatever wants and needs to be heard. Most importantly:
You are not a victim.  Going through a lot of physical ailing and mental pain and a long learning, growing and accepting process, I am here now. Still running as a sport I came to love, but no longer away. Running so that I can sit still and face whatever comes my way  and especially whatever comes your way. 
It is what it is, so take it lightly
Through my painful journey I gradually and steadily came into acceptance and realization. Life is what it is. All that you have encountered, all that is happening to you , no matter how terrible and dark it seems, it is part of your life and your experience alone.
And you are not a victim. Every experience acquired in this life is in its essence important and needed by you and the reason you came to this earth for. We were given eternal life, the journey is ongoing and we learn and grow for all time, the here and the now are  just a moment in time. An important one, but still a passing one. This is why it is very important to me to take life and the spiritual work lightly. It is what it is and it is an experience. There is a spiritual solution for every issue on this planet, there is a learning lesson for everything that is happening to you and once you found it, the issue will dissolve and you can move on. Nothing happens to us as a punishment. We are not victims. This life is not to be endured, it is to be lived and you should be able to enjoy all of  it, even the challenging times. Because after all that is what you are here for. To grow. To evolve.  And to live this life. And most of all , to feel that you are alive.
Never ever give up. Your life is waiting for you to jump into its flow. Its yours ! Live it. And feel that you are alive.  
Strip down to your essence

Strip down to your essence

Trying to find ourselves makes most sense by starting to take away who you are not ! In the “ Strip down” session we are freeing you of all the sentences of beliefs and blockages in your chakras, that are keeping you from being in alignment with your essence and your souls power. Those road blocks are being fed and kept alive by your energy, energy that will not be available for your soul. In case of a healing process, it is very important to get rid of all subconscious blocks that are keeping you from your health. Sentences such as : I am not worthy, I have not deserved this, I am not allowed to speak, I have no saying in this, nobody takes me seriously form and shape us , especially when they stem from childhood years. How can you find your voice in this world, when you have been told to be quiet all your life ? How can you heal when you “havent deserved it “? The session takes up to two hours and can be done in person or online.

Oh child of mine

Oh child of mine

Our dear inner child. Lets face it: Who of us truly had that "dream child hood", including parents and grandparents with endless time to play, everyone treating us with all due respect, no financial worries... The generations before us were in a different energy field and their focus on what is important in life was a completely different one. But as children, we don't care about all those facts. We want love, attention and we want to feel worthy. Most of us still suffer from those childhood traumas, having their inner child within them, locked inside a bubble of sadness, hurt, anger, feeling inconsolably unworthy. Lets take that little one by the hand, give him/her all the love needed and turn him/her into a strong being, feeling unconditionally loved and worthy. Mostly there are also many dreams and visions kept inside that child, which never dared to come to the surface. And those might be just the ones you have been trying to find all along as the grown up you are today. Working on your inner child will heal your own basis and change you as the grown up you are today.

Eternal life - Princess, king or court jester - past life trouble shooting

Eternal life - Princess, king or court jester - past life trouble shooting

You may be surprised to find out where your souls' journey has already taken you, but most of all, checking into your past lives serves the here and now. Unresolved issues in past lives lead to ...you got it !! - exactly the same in this life. Repetitive behavioural patterns, seemingly unsolvable situations, inexplainable issues. This can range from panic and tension or children screaming during night time up to “ real life matters” as evictions and court trials. There is a spiritual reason for all of it and you might have brought this reason with you upon your arrival on this planet. I will go into the life that is connected to your present issue and solve the situation for you. Not only will you feel and see a difference in this life, but you will get to know all the details about your past. And of course, even if you arent aware of any challenges present, we can check into your past life out of interest.

Baby, come on ! Gentle help for children

Baby, come on ! Gentle help for children

Constant screaming, sleeplessness, aggression- children often have inexplainable behaviour. It seems more difficult to find the cause for their troubles, because our little ones can not communicate verbally with us yet or not in the way, that a solution can be found easily. Through my special method we are able to solve the troubling issues of children, without the child even being present.

Business, money and more

Business, money and more

Yes, we are spiritual beings. Nonetheless our journey here is also a physical one, which means, we have to make money, which is our present currency. Many of us have an issue bringing their light into the world and subconscious patterns of belief keep us from it. Having trouble asking for money in return for your services, not enough clients, or simply not being able to promote yourself. We will find the cause for the issues so that you can blossom

Mothers' womb channeling

Mothers' womb channeling

Ever wondered what it felt like when you were in your mothers' womb ? What thoughts you had, what emotions went through you and especially what did your parents convey to you ? Did you feel safe in your surrounding – were you looking forward to being born ? Through a special channeling method we can find out all about that and it will give you an understanding of your basis in this lifetime . When you have felt unwanted and insecure right at your first stop on this planet, how can you feel wanted and secure as an adult ? And not to forget, there was no running away and no distraction in this womb... ( the mothers' womb channeling is also part of the complete strip down to your essence chakra clearing )

Symptoms ? Just ask

Symptoms ? Just ask

Symptoms as Depression, Anxiety, Feeling tired and drained, Lack of energy,etc mostly have an energetical cause ... There is a way to get through every challenging situation - whatever you are facing or encountering - we will find a solution. Just ask.